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Fall/Winter Driving and Safety Tips
Tips and Hints for you and your car:
Identifying Leaks:
If you notice a fluid leak on your car, taking note of the color can help determine the cause
When Stuck
Keep a small shovel in your car in case you get stuck. Road flares or glow sticks can also be useful to prevent a collision.
Jack Safety
When using a jack, also use jack stands in case of failure. You should never be under a car that is only supported by a tire jack.
Cold Weather
Take a minute to let your car warm up in cold weather. This will prevent unnecessary wear on your engine.
Accident Preparation
Carry a pen, paper and disposable camera in your car for documentation should an accident occur. Make sure you get a police report and the insurance information for all parties involved.
Seat Replacement
Car seats should be replaced if they have been through an accident, as damage to the securing mechanisms may have occurred.
Fuel Filter Replacement
Your fuel filter should be replaced once every 50,000km. This is also a good time for spark plug maintenance.(it suppose to be 7000 mile not km). Change oil every 3000-5000 mile depend the type of oil regular or full synthetic
Tire Practice
Know how to change your tire before an emergency. Doing a practice run will assure that you have all the necessary equipment.
Cooling Maintenance
The cooling system should be flushed and refilled once every second year so as to prevent damage over time.
Battery Maintenance
Check for wear and dirt buildup on your battery cables. This ensures proper electrical connections.
First Aid
It’s good policy to keep a first aid kit in your car in case of emergencies.
Driving With ABS
When driving with ABS, there is no need to pump the brake pedal as holding down the pedal firmly will automatically perform the pulsating action.
Signs of Traction Loss
Sudden silence while driving can indicate a loss of traction. Paying close attention to the sound of your tires can warn you that you are on ice.
Roof Racks
The maximum suggested weight for roof racks can be found within the Owner’s Manual of your vehicle. This includes the weight of the rack itself.
Maintain Speed
You can save fuel by maintaining a constant speed while traveling. Cruise control can be useful for this purpose.
Bald Tires
When checking your tire wear, keep in mind a tread depth of less than 1.6mm is considered bald by many legal authorities.
Engine Coolant
Engine coolant breaks down with age, causing degradation to the cooling system of the engine. Changing aging cooling thus prevents engine decay.
Oil Filter
It is advised to change your oil filter every 5000km with urban driving. View your Owner’s Manual or consult your automotive specialist for more specific information.
Wiper Blades
It is advised to change your wiper blades as they begin to streak.
Tire Pressure
The proper tire pressure for a vehicle can often be found on the inside of the glove box, on the driver’s side door post or on the fuel filler door. Alternatively, you can find this information in the Owner’s Manual of your car.
Jumper cables to restart engine
Cat litter or sand for tire traction on snow and ice
Shovel to scrape snow away from tires
Ice scraper to clear windshield
Warm clothes gloves, a hat, sturdy boots, warm jacket and even a change of clothes
Blankets to keep warm inside the vehicle
Flashlights and extra batteries for increased visibility
First aid kit also pack necessary medications incase you are stuck on the road
Food pack items containing protein such as nuts and energy bars, also canned fruit and a portable can opener are good additions
Water bring enough for each person in your car and any pets
AM/FM radio to listen to traffic reports and emergency messages
Also consider...
Bring a cell phone if you have one with a list of emergency numbers.
Fill your gas tank
Baby formula and diapers if you have a small child.
If you find yourself stranded, be safe and stay in your car, put on your flashers, call for help and wait until it arrives.

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